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Save the World for just $99.95

Save the World for just $99.95

What a wonderful world we live in, the sun is shining, thebirds are chirping and EVERYONE IS GOING TO DIE!!! God I love environmentalists. Their happy warm thoughts and views about how we’re all going to fry to a crisp, if we don’t drown first. And to that end we have Live Earth, brought to you by the King of all that is warm and glowy, Al “Dude, where’s my Presidency?” Gore. Yes you to can join the growing...

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I have a guitar and I must whinge.

The better half and I (yes, I have a better half. I know that’s hard to believe considering how good the original half is but there you go) decided to go to the local Karaoke bar last Friday night. Now for us this is what’s classified as a good night out. A few drinks, some good music plus some not so good music and some god awful music thrown in to make you appreciate how good the other stuff really is. While we were relaxing...

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Scalp em white boy

Run for the hills, the scalpers are coming. Scalping threatens Big Day Out. Apparently The Big Day Out is in danger of being canceled because there are people out there that are buying tickets and then reselling them to other people. That’s right, people are paying for a commodity. It’s capitalism gone mad folks. I knew this whole supply and demand thing would be the death of us all and now here’s the proof. The deal is...

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Aussie Newlyweds?

I nearly choked on my Coco Pops when I read this story this morning.,10221,20920568-10388,00.html Australian Idol’s answer to Jabba the Hutt wants to do a Jessica Simpson and televise the horror show that is his pre-wedded life. Kyle, whose claim to fame is making little girls cry on national TV, is currently trying to sell the idea to Channel 10. Hopefully the execs at Ten will come to their...

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